
Lovin' los libros

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Review: Broken Prince by Erin Watt

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Broken Prince (The Royals #2)
   by: Erin Watt

Publication Date: July 25, 2016
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Mature Young Adult
Source: e-ARC received via Nina Bocci in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 370 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4.5/5 stars

These Royals will ruin you…

From wharf fights and school brawls to crumbling lives inside glittery mansions, one guy tries to save himself.

Reed Royal has it all—looks, status, money. The girls at his elite prep school line up to date him, the guys want to be him, but Reed never gave a damn about anyone but his family until Ella Harper walked into his life.

What started off as burning resentment and the need to make his father’s new ward suffer turned into something else entirely—keep Ella close. Keep Ella safe. But when one foolish mistake drives her out of Reed’s arms and brings chaos to the Royal household, Reed’s entire world begins to fall apart around him.

Ella doesn’t want him anymore. She says they’ll only destroy each other.

She might be right.

Secrets. Betrayal. Enemies. It’s like nothing Reed has ever dealt with before, and if he’s going to win back his princess, he’ll need to prove himself Royally worthy.

Good grief you guys. THESE BOOKS. I am not usually one for overly angsty reads, but I think it's the combined superpowers of Jen and Elle that make me love and crave it so. Paper Princess ended on a cliffhanger and I'll go ahead and warn you that Broken Prince does as well. I felt a bit more ok with this cliffhanger though than the first. The events that occur and the revelations that are sprung on us are still pretty jaw dropping, but I was less unsettled and I think it had to do with our characters and how things have played out for them.
I really enjoyed this second book, but I did feel some of Ella's misgivings were a bit repetitious. I wanted to shake her and say "Ok, I get it! You've made your point! Now stop!" I completely get her hesitation and why she's resisting, but I felt it came across a bit like a broken record.
I loved the addition of Reed's point of view in this book. It's always so nice to get inside our hero's head, especially since sometimes it's hard to gauge their intentions otherwise. And let me say, I absolutely love Reed Royal. He's far from perfect, but he's that flawed character you can't help but adore.
I am looking forward to the final book in the series, because holy craziness at the end of this book. I am beyond intrigued as to how these new developments are going to play out! I'm ready to jump back on the Royal rollercoaster and ride this crazy train out!

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  1. Great review, lady! You know how obsessed I am with this series. The third book can't land in my hands soon enough!

  2. I love that we got Reed's POV here too. And omg how are you okay with this ending too? I think this one wasn't as bad as the first, but it still leaves you screaming because you want more. :)
    Great review, Jess! :D

  3. I think I need to read these books in pieces because the amount of angst, drama and just overall asshole-ishness would drive me up the wall. I can't help it though, I'm eating everything up. I'm so thirsty for more.

    Does anyone know if Easton will get his own book (the next one) or if he will get a spin off series?

  4. Gahh you know I am super torn on these books because so much angst but everyone is loving them..... oh man I may cave soon. Great review!


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