
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Monthly Recap: November!

By 1:00 AM

Monthly Recap!

Hi guys! Can you even believe today is December 1st? I know I can't! At the same time, I'm also incredibly excited because I only have 3 weeks until Christmas break! Wahooo!
This has probably been the slowest reading month of the year for me. I can't seem to shake my slump and I've also been really busy. It was my birthday month and my good friend Tonya came to visit me!

I also took a trip to see a Tennessee football game with my best friend, her hubby, and her 6 year old son. It was the boys' first time and my bestie and I had not been to a game since college. It was a blast!
I am also super excited because the 25 Days of Book Boyfriends Tour kicks off today! Be sure to follow the tour to meet some great new boyfriends, as well as enter the giveaways!
My favorite book this month was MISCONDUCT by Penelope Douglas! I loved it so much!

5 stars:
4.5 stars:
4-4.25 stars:
(I couldn't decide on a definite rating)
4 stars:

3.5 stars:

3 stars:
2 stars:

Total Books Read: 13
Total Audiobooks Listened To: 0
 For some non-bookish related posts:

I shared some new music for Music Monday:
I cooked more yummy meals and hosted them on Tasty Tuesday!
Song Obsessions:
Drink You Away by Justin Timberlake
Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton
The Devil is a Friend of Mine by The Bandoliers
Power of Positive Drinkin' by Chris Janson
Most Anticipated Books for December: 

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  1. Ooooh you read Truthwitch! I can't wait to read your review. That is one I am incredibly curious about! Also YAY for book boyfriend month!


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