
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

2014 End of Year Survey!

By 8:22 AM

I'm so excited to take part in the end of year book survey that the lovely Jamie from The Perpetual Page Turner has created!
(All banner graphics are credited to Jamie at TPPT.)
Number of Books You Read: 261
Number of Re-Reads: 4
Genre You Read The Most From: Contemporary Romance

Best YA Fantasy Book Read in 2014?
 Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas
Best YA Contemporary Book Read in 2014?
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
The Fine Art of Pretending by Rachel Harris
Best NA Contemporary Book Read in 2014?
Before You Break by Christina Lee
You Were Mine by Abbi Glines
Best Adult Contemporary Book Read in 2014?
Back To You by Jessica Scott
Best NA Fantasy Book Read in 2014?
 The Collectors' Society by Heather Lyons
Book You Were Excited For & Thought You Were Going To Love More But Didn't?
I was really excited for Jennifer L. Armentrout's Origin, but was pretty meh about most of the book. It didn't pick up until the second half and I was a bit bored until then.
Most Surprising (in a good way or bad way) Book You Read in 2014?
 Scoring Wilder by R.S. Grey- I hadn't heard of this one until recently, so I was glad I picked it up because I really liked it!
Book You "Pushed" The Most People To Read (And They Did) in 2014?
Unfixable by Tessa Bailey
Best Series You Started in 2014?
Finding Fate series by Chelsea Fine (all are companion novels)
Best Sequel of 2014?
The Fiery Heart by Richelle Mead
Best Series Ender of 2014?
Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi
Favorite New Author Discovered in 2014?
Brighton Walsh, Emery Lord
Best Book From a Genre You Don't Typically Read/Was Out of Your Comfort Zone?
Don't Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout (I'm not a big mystery/horror/suspense reader so I was surprised I loved this one so much.)
Most Action Packed/Thrilling/Unputdownable Book of 2014?
Rival by Penelope Douglas
Book You Read in 2014 That You Are Most Likely To Re-Read Next Year?
 A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
Favorite Cover of a Book You Read in 2014?

Most Memorable Character of 2014?
The White King from The Collectors' Society by Heather Lyons
Most Beautifully Written Book of 2014?
The Deep End of the Sea by Heather Lyons
Most Thought-Provoking Book/Life Changing Book of 2014?
Back to You by Jessica Scott- This is such a heartbreakingly beautiful story of a couple on the brink of divorce finding their way back to one another again.
Book You Can't Believe You Waited Until 2014 To Finally Read?
 My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick. I loved this book so much that I actually got my mom (who is NOT a reader) to read it!
Favorite Passage/Quote From a Book You Read in 2014?
"I love his heart. I love the feel of it underneath my fingers and underneath my head when I rest against it. I love the sound, the steady beat I hoped I would fall asleep to every night of my life. I love how his heart is big and beautiful and generous, and that it, when circumstance demanded, allowed itself to break repeatedly rather than allow others' to suffer. He has the best of hearts. The best of souls."- The Collectors' Society by Heather Lyons
"Things worth having don't come easy," Woods said. "You have to fight for it until you're tired of fighting, and then you take a breather and fight some more."- You Were Mine by Abbi Glines
"You'll never believe such beauty exists- not really- not unless you have the guts to brave life, go off the map, and find your own way there."- Inside Out by Lia Riley
"I've learned that the heart can't be told when and who and how it should love. The heart does whatever the hell it wants to do. The only thing we can control is whether we give our lives and our minds the chance to catch up to our hearts."- Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover
“I claim you, Aelin. To whatever end."- Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas 

"He is intensity and want and desire. He's happiness and frustration and comfort and hope and fear. He is my rollercoaster."- Caged in Winter by Brighton Walsh
Shortest Book Read in 2014?
Baiting the Maid of Honor by Tessa Bailey (127 pages)
Longest Book Read in 2014?
Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas (562 pages)
Book That Shocked You The Most?
Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover- I had NO idea that twist was coming....
OTP Of the Year? (You will go down with this ship!)
Gideon and Eva from the Crossfire series by Sylvia Day
Celaena and Chaol from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas
Tam and Feyre from A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
Favorite Non-Romantic Relationship Of the Year? Rowan & Celaena (Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas)
Favorite Book You Read in 2014 From An Author You've Read Previously?
Make it a Double by Sawyer Bennett
Before You Break by Christina Lee
Best Book You Read in 2014 That You Read Based SOLELY On a Recommendation From Somebody Else/ Peer Pressure?
One Week Girlfriend by Monica Murphy
Newest Fictional Crush From a Book You Read in 2014?
Tamlin from A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
Cade from Caged in Winter by Brighton Walsh
Grayson Kennedy from The Avery Shaw Experiment by Kelly Oram
Best 2014 Debut You Read?
He Belongs With Me by Sarah Darlington
Open Road Summer by Emery Lord
Best Worldbuilding/Most Vivid Setting You Read This Year?
Wonderland from The Collectors' Society by Heather Lyons
Book That Put a Smile On Your Face/Was the Most FUN To Read?
Book That Made You Cry or Nearly Cry in 2014? Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson
Hidden Gem of the Year?
Book That Crushed Your Soul?
 Path of Destruction by E.Lee & C. Quinn
Most Unique Book Read in 2014?
 The Collectors' Society by Heather Lyons
Book That Made You the Most Mad?
The Young Elites by Marie Lu- FIX IT MARIE. FIX IT! Please?!
New Favorite Book Blog You Discovered in 2014?
 After meeting Danielle from Love at First Page at BEA, I love going to her blog. The same goes for Kim at Kimberly Faye Reads.
Favorite Review You Wrote in 2014?
You Were Mine by Abbi Glines
Best Discussion/Non-Review Post You Had On Your Blog?
 I had a lot of fun with my BEA recap posts (Parts 1 and 2), as well as my 25 Days of Book Boyfriends tour stop.
Best Event That You Participated In?
 I got to go to BEA this year in NYC which was awesome because not only did I get a lot of awesome books, I met some of my favorite authors and bloggers too!
Best Moment of Bookish/Blogging Life in 2014?
I started beta reading for some of my absolute favorite authors, as well as got to help Heather Lyons out at UtopYA Con here in Nashville and taking her around town. 
Most Popular Post This Year On Your Blog?
I celebrated my one year blogoversary in February, so that post got the most pageviews.
Post You Wished Got a Little More Love?
 I wish my Music Monday posts got a bit more love, just because I'm always curious as to whether or not anyone likes the music I've picked.
Best Bookish Discover?
 This is the first year where I've really heard of bookoutlet.com and found some great deals!
Did You Complete Any Reading Challenges or Goals That You Had Set For Yourself At the Beginning Of This Year?
Sadly, I didn't do so well with my challenges. I thought for sure I would reach my GR goal, but whenever I get breaks from work I find myself not wanting to read as much. I also didn't do so hot on the Jumble Your Genres Reading Challenge because I got so overwhelmed with review books.

One Book You Didn't Get to In 2014 But Will Be Your Number 1 Priority in 2015?
This Shattered World by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner
Book You Are Most Anticipating For 2015?
 Throne of Glass #4 by Sarah J. Maas
2015 Debut You Are Most Anticipating?
 An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
Series Ending/A Sequel You Are Most Anticipating in 2015?
The Ruby Circle by Richelle Mead
One Thing You Hope To Accomplish Or Do In Your Reading/Blogging Life in 2015?
Accept less review books and focus on all the books I already have to read.
A 2015 Release You've Already Read and Recommend To Everyone?
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

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    1. So reading this post I've realized there are SO MANY books out there that I need to discover eep! There are just way too many books on your list that I haven't read yet. Yay for both of us picking Avery Shaw for the hidden gem! :D Sigh. I'm still SO jealous about ACOTAR is it May yet?? I still need to read Don't Look Back. I've not been a very good JLA fangirl. YES for all the My Life Next Door love. I heart that book so much. Okay I'm going to go and make a list now of a bunch of these books that I haven't read yet. No truly I am. Great year in books girl! Hopefully 2015 is even better! (For both of us...)

    2. All the Heir of Fire answers make me all flaily! Gahh that book is just everything and Rowan and Celaena are the best. Love this post and you somehow have me even more excited for ACOTAR now lol

    3. Holy sh*t 261 books! Woah, I am envious of your reading speed - then again, I read too many books over 1000 pages this year, so that probably didn't help matters LOL

      LOVE all the SJM, HoF love on here, my year end survey was similarly overflowing with Maas fangirling XD I NEED to get my hands on ACOTAR because the suspense is KILLING ME Ahhhh! Oh and clearly, attending BEA was a highlight of the year for me too! It was wonderful to finally meet you there too ♥ Loved reading your answers here ^^ here's to a fabulous 2015, bookish and otherwise! xx

    4. Girl, 261 books??? What was GR goal??? That is amazingly insane. Sheri also mentioned the collectors society as most unique -- I'm intrigued! Def have to check it out. Ahh I'm so glad we got to room together at BEA! :) that was so much fun. Aww too bad you didn't enjoy origin more :( the beginning was slower so I get you.

    5. Wow, that's a lot of books! Great job! I really need to read the Fine Art of Pretending! Definitely lots of new books to me on this list and I also can't wait for The Ruby Circle!!

      My Survey here

    6. I am so jealous of all the blogs that keep saying their favorite moment was BEA.... ughh, I wish I lived closer to NYC. You really did get a lot of books read... 261! If I didn't watch so much TV and play Video Games I would probably read way more books!! LOL!

      End of Year Survey


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    My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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